We currently do not have any events scheduled at this time. Check out our Videos page to view on-demand recordings of our past events.
Looking for education and information related to the benefits industry?
Check out our Work From Home Webinar Series page to see all of our upcoming webinars and access recordings of previous webinars.
Welcome to FlexUNIVERSITY your source for producer education and CEUs. We are an approved provider certified by various Departments of Insurance offering numerous CEUs each year. Our on-site seminars give you the opportunity to learn about the latest industry product offerings and sales strategies while earning CEUs. Our webinars provide live training on marketplace trends and topics.
We offer a number of educational courses on a variety of topics from health care reform to carrier products and sales strategies, including:
- ABCDs of Medicare
- ACA Updates
- Ancillary and Voluntary Sales Strategies
- Ancillary Dental Sales Strategies
- Ancillary Life Insurance
- Blue Directions for Small Business
- Cafeteria Plans
- COBRA Administration
- Commuter Plans
- Ethics
- Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)
- Healthcare Reform
- Health Insurance 101
- Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs)
- Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
- Medicare Advantage Plans
- Medicare Business Planning
- Medicare Certification Celebration
- Medicare LIS Program
- Medicare Marketing Planning
- Medicare Opportunities & Sales Strategies
- Medicare Part D
- Medicare Supplement Plans
- New to Medicare, Now What?
- OEP Best Practices
- Why & How to Sell Medicare
- Wrap Document Services
Check out our Videos to see some of these educational topics on-demand.