Benefits Buzz

Free Webinar: Year-End Stimulus Package Offers Optional FSA Relief

Posted on January 19th, 2021

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 was signed into law on December 27, 2020. As part of the law, a new stimulus package was included that impacts Health and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (Health and Dependent Care FSAs).

At the option of the employer, Health and Dependent Care FSAs can be temporarily amended to allow for increased carryover balances of unused funds, extended grace periods beyond the end of the plan eyar, and additional flexibility with making election changes, among other things.

Flex has put together an informative webinar to review these new options:


Year-End Stimulus Package Offers Optional FSA Relief
January 28, 2021 | 11:00 AM CST

This free, 45-minute webinar will cover:

  • The new, temporary carryover options for Health and Dependent Care FSAs
  • The new, temporary grace period options for Health and Dependent Care FSAs
  • The relaxed, temporary election change rules for Health and Dependent Care FSAs
  • Other temporary and optional plan changes that can be implemented
  • The timeline for adopting plan changes and executing plan amendments


Register today to learn how the latest stimulus package impacts Flexible Spending Accounts


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